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  • Maintain 100% of the existing customer base with the consistent customer service.
  • Expand our customer base through direct referrals and aggressive direct sales.
  • Expand our product line gradually, based on customer requests.
  • Expand our custom feed mill to meet the growing sales market.
  • Expand the types of services offered to our customers, as their desires are identified.

Admumsho Feeds -
Premium Fish Feeds
and Exceptional Service

Admumsho Feeds is an Ilorin-based farm and feed store dedicated to providing our customers with professional services and high-quality feed products. Admumsho offers only the best Fish Feeds and Live Fish products in the industry. Admumsho also offers our customers the option of a custom-made feed. Our mill enables us to provide high levels of quality products that are always fresh and available. Admumsho primary focus is on keeping our customers satisfied. Professional and reliable service, competitive pricing, and knowledgeable staff will provide for continued growth in the years to come. Admumsho was founded in 2007 but became incorporated in 2015 by Alhaji Adeniyi Abdulmumini. Their hard work and dedication have proven to be successful, as Admumsho is now one of the best Fish Feed Producers and the only one specializing in custom-made feed.

Natural Farming

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Quality Products

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Our mission is to provide our customers with good products and services of consistently high quality, made readily available at prices that create value for all stakeholders. Admumsho continuously develops and rewards people of integrity who subscribe to hard work and creativity as a means of achieving individual and corporate excellence


Admumsho's Vision is to be the leading Agricultural Produce Company in Africa through the provision of world-class Agricultural products and services

Our Farmers

Meet Our Farm Experts

The most valued resources we have are Admumsho people. Staff is sponsored to train both internally and externally. This cuts across all cadres of staff irrespective of the cost.

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Farmer of Cashew Nut

Joseph Thomas

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Farmer of Fishes

David paul

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Farmer of potato

Musa Ibrahim

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Agriculture, Non-organic Products
Get to know us

Agriculture matters to
the future of development

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Cennings appetite disposed me an at subjects an. To no indulgence diminution so discovered mr apartments. Are off under folly death wrote cause her way spite. Plan upon yet way get cold spot its week.

Tennings appetite disposed me an at subjects an. To no indulgence diminution so discovered mr apartments. Are off under folly death wrote cause her way spite. Plan upon yet way get cold spot its week.


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